"French violinist Dominique Pifarély has been a vivid influence in European jazz and new music since the late 1970s and he has found a personal language that expressively adapts to orthodox jazz settings, cutting-edge improv, and contemporary classical music alike."
"Everything a Pifarély band plays sounds as if it has a rich and reflective old and new music history to it." John Fordham / The Guardian
"Dominique Pifarély modernized jazz violin, combining extraordinary technical skills with an inclusive idea of music-making. He has been soon very in-demand as a straight jazz player, but was soon in some of the more adventurous groups in Europe." Francesco Martinelli /allmusic.com
"French violinist Dominique Pifarély gives an outstanding solo violin recital." Steve Lake / ECM Records
"A nulle autre, la voix de Pifarély n’est comparable : le violon solitaire, son phrasé sinueux et ses développements souvent abrupts demeurent inimitables. Grappelli avait coutume de dire qu’un grand violoniste se reconnaissait à la profondeur et à la beauté du son, mais que cette qualité ne pouvait s’acquérir qu’avec le temps. Ecoutez le violon de Pifarély, et vous en serez convaincus." Philippe Hansebout / CultureTops